NM – Search New Mexico Arrest Records

Arrest records in New Mexico are public records, accessible to anyone interested in obtaining them. These records provide valuable information about individuals who have been arrested in the state. It’s important to note that an arrest does not indicate guilt; it simply means that a person has been accused of a crime. In this article, we will explore the various methods for accessing arrest records in New Mexico, as well as some key considerations regarding their use and potential expungement.

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Accessing Arrest Records

There are several ways to access arrest records in New Mexico:

Contact the Law Enforcement Records Bureau (LERB): The New Mexico Department of Public Safety (NM DPS) maintains a computerized database of arrest records for all adults arrested in the state. To request an arrest record from the LERB, individuals must complete a Department of Public Safety Authorization for Release of Information form. Keep in mind that there is usually a fee associated with this service.

Contact Local Law Enforcement Agencies: Many county sheriff’s offices and police departments across New Mexico maintain their own arrest records. If you know where the arrest occurred, contacting the local law enforcement agency directly is an option. Be aware that there may be fees involved when requesting records from these agencies.

Use Third-Party Websites: Various websites offer access to arrest records, including some that provide free access. However, it’s important to exercise caution when using third-party websites, as they may not have complete or up-to-date information. Verify the reliability and authenticity of the source before relying on the data.

How Can I Check for a Person’s Criminal History in New Mexico?

To determine if someone has a criminal history in New Mexico, you have several options at your disposal. The New Mexico Department of Public Safety (NMDPS) offers a criminal records repository that allows individuals to access their own criminal history information, with exceptions for employers and other authorized entities.

Here are the steps you can take to obtain this information:

Electronic Fingerprinting:

    • To begin the process electronically, you’ll need to register through Gemalto, a secure platform.
    • Payment can be made using a credit card, money order, or agency account.
    • Once payment is processed, you can locate the nearest Gemalto fingerprinting location using their online map.

New Mexico state records

Manual Fingerprinting:

    • This option is suitable for those who cannot visit a Gemalto location or reside in another state.

    • You must obtain two inked fingerprint cards from your local sheriff’s office or a police station.

    • Create a Gemalto account and make your payment.

    • Mail your fingerprint cards to the following address:

      Thales, APS Dept. 165 2964 Bradley St. Pasadena CA 91107

The NMDPS also offers manual fingerprinting services, with the cost being $9.00 for the first set of cards and $2.50 for each additional card. Their headquarters address is:

New Mexico DPS HQ 4491 Cerrillos Road Santa Fe, NM 87507

If you require assistance with the fingerprinting process, both residents and non-residents can reach out to the NMDPS at 505-827-9181 or via email at [email protected].

Furthermore, in the later sections of this article, readers will discover alternative methods for accessing criminal records, such as through court records, offender searches, and background checks.

Requesting Mugshots

Mugshots, which are photographs taken at the time of arrest, are also considered public records in New Mexico. You can request mugshots from the LERB or from the county sheriff’s office or police department where the arrest took place. Similar to accessing arrest records, there may be fees associated with obtaining mugshots.

Important Considerations

Here are some essential things to keep in mind when dealing with arrest records in New Mexico:

Presumption of Innocence: Remember that an arrest does not imply guilt. In New Mexico, as in the rest of the United States, individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Expungement: Arrest records are not automatically expunged. If you have an arrest record in New Mexico and meet certain criteria, you may be eligible to have it expunged. To learn more about the expungement process, visit the website of the New Mexico Courts.

Uses of Arrest Records: Arrest records can serve various purposes, including background checks for employment, housing applications, and loan approvals. It’s crucial to be aware of what information is contained in your arrest record, as it may affect these aspects of your life.

Legal Advice: If you have questions or concerns about your arrest record, it’s advisable to consult with an attorney who specializes in criminal law. They can provide guidance and assistance tailored to your specific situation.


How can I obtain my own arrest records in New Mexico?

To access your own arrest records in New Mexico, you can request them from the New Mexico Department of Public Safety (NMDPS). You have the option of electronic fingerprinting through Gemalto or manual fingerprinting. Follow the outlined procedures to retrieve your arrest records.

Can employers in New Mexico access my arrest records without my permission?

In New Mexico, employers are authorized to access your arrest records for background checks and employment purposes. However, they typically require your consent to do so, and there are legal restrictions on how they can use this information during the hiring process.

Are arrest records in New Mexico available to the public?

Arrest records in New Mexico are generally considered public records, which means they can be accessed by the public. However, certain restrictions and regulations apply, and some records may be sealed or restricted from public access, particularly for juvenile cases or cases involving sensitive information.

How can I check if I have any outstanding warrants in New Mexico?

To determine if you have any outstanding warrants in New Mexico, you can inquire with the local law enforcement agencies or access this information through the NMDPS. They can provide you with details about any warrants issued in your name.

What should I do if I find errors in my New Mexico arrest records?

If you discover inaccuracies or errors in your New Mexico arrest records, it's essential to contact the appropriate authorities promptly. Reach out to the NMDPS or the law enforcement agency that generated the records to initiate the correction process. Accurate records are crucial, especially if they may affect your employment or legal matters.